Shifting to the Left: Making the DevOps Process More Transparent

New software and applications are hitting the market at incredible speed. Yet launching products quickly often means sacrificing quality and security.

More organizations are addressing this problem through a “shift left” approach, which involves testing software as early as possible during development.

The shift left approach means prioritizing transparency and security in the software development lifecycle, starting from the initial design phase. Development and testing are completed simultaneously, reducing the risk of errors by detecting defects and vulnerabilities early.

Shift Left, DevOps Have Same Goal

Related to shift left is DevOps, a software development process that emphasizes collaboration and communication between software developers and IT operations professionals. Both shift left and DevOps aim to reduce the time and cost of software development while improving software quality and security.

As companies continue to adopt DevOps, it is essential to shift lift to ensure transparency and increase the success rate of the process.

In addition, cybersecurity should be integrated into the DevOps as early as possible. The process should include performing regular security audits, scanning for vulnerabilities and implementing security controls.

Steps to Shift Lift Successfully

Here are some steps you can take to shift left in your DevOps process:

  • Implement automated testing early in the development process to catch defects and vulnerabilities as soon as possible. Automated tests can be run once code is delivered, giving developers instant feedback on their changes.
  • Encourage collaboration between developers, testers and other stakeholders throughout the development process to catch issues earlier, leading to faster resolution.
  • Implement a continuous integration and delivery pipeline to automate the building, testing and deployment of code, ensuring that issues are caught quickly.
  • Adopt a SecDevOps approach by integrating security into the development process from the start.

SecDevOps Enables More Secure Software

With SecDevOps, security is considered throughout the software development lifecycle, planning, design, coding, testing and deployment. Security tools like static analysis, vulnerability scanning and penetration testing are employed to identify security issues before they become significant problems.

By integrating security into the DevOps process, organizations can create more secure and resilient software while improving collaboration and communication between developers and operations teams.

MBL Technologies helps organizations build SecDevOps cultures where security is “baked in” from the start, and compliance becomes part of the development process. We teach development teams how SecDevOps reduces risk, minimizes time spent finding and fixing issues and improves processes, tooling and team collaboration. Contact us today to learn more.

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